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Meals on Wheels driver brings holiday cheer accent

December 29, 2023 | By

MOW giftWhen we say our WesleyLife Meals on Wheels drivers are special, that’s more than just a run-of-the-mill compliment. Meet Sally Rinehart.

Sally, who’s been with us for a little less than a year, made the holiday one to remember this year for the clients she visits: She used her talents to hand-paint a gift for each one.

“My route is about 90 miles, but it only has 11 clients and one congregate-site stop, so I’m able to spend more time with the people I serve,” Sally says. “We have really gotten to know each other. I love to ask about their history and what they used to do. In fact, I have a client who has lived in her home as long as I’ve been alive!

“I have a unique bond with each of my clients; one is an Iowa State fan and we love to give each other a hard time because I’m a Hawkeye! I have a client who also loves the Hawkeyes, one who used to ride off-road motorcycles, one who loves his dog more than anything, and someone who loves everything Disney.

MOW gift 2“Their passion became the inspiration to paint each person something that was meaningful to them. I am so incredibly blessed to have this connection with them. When I gave them their paintings, their faces just lit up. One shed a tear, and my heart had never been happier."

Drivers like Sally illustrate why Meals on Meals is much more than just sustenance. Sally, thank you for your servant’s heart, your compassion, and your kindness. We’re sure your clients will never forget the way you brightened their holiday!


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