Blog for Seniors and Caregivers

First CNA Mentors' Symposium Sets the Tone for Quality Care and Clinical Leadership

Written by Lisa Ryan, Communications Lead | June 14, 2023

WesleyLife's Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) mentors came together Wednesday, June 14, for a day-long symposium designed to foster communication, share best practices, and teach new skills and methods. About 25 mentors attended the event, which was conceived and led by Ann Head, MSN, RN, WesleyLife's longtime Clinical Staff Educator, pictured at near left. 

The CNA Mentor program recognizes CNAs who serve as leaders to their respective teams, helping to ensure training consistency and alignment and quality services and care. Mentors, along with Ann and other WesleyLife clinical educators, gathered for the day at Edgewater, a WesleyLife Community for Healthy Living in West Des Moines. 

The symposium's sessions included Resiliency Training for Leaders, MDS Documentation, Body Mechanics/Safe Transfers, a lunch-and-learn about skin-care protocols, and more. Ann said the event provided educators with an opportunity to "ensure everyone is hearing everything at the same time and can ask questions," but also allowed time for recognition of these critically important team members. 

"It's fortuitous that National CNA Appreciation Week starts tomorrow because we're always looking for opportunities to let our CNAs know how much we value them, and today, we were able to double down on that messaging for these leaders and make sure they carry it back to their teams," Ann said.

"So often, for residents and clients, CNAs are the team members from whom they first receive care; they are the first 'faces' of WesleyLife for them. We can't overstate the importance of what they do."

By definition, a CNA assists individuals with direct healthcare needs. They often work in tandem with nurses, with each performing a different but equally important role.

In Iowa, candidates for a CNA position must complete an approved CNA program including 75 hours of education, and take and pass the Iowa Nurse Aide exam.

Later this summer, WesleyLife will begin offering its own internally created, accredited CNA program, a comprehensive, personalized, person-directed version of current educational opportunities. Ann said when the program graduates its first group of CNAs in late summer, WesleyLife's CNA Mentors will play a key role in helping them acclimate to their roles.

Vera Smith, left, a CNA Mentor at Wesley Acres, a WesleyLife community in Des Moines, said she was happy to be a part of the symposium. Originally from West Africa, Vera lived for several years in Boston before relocating to Des Moines and changing careers to become a CNA.

She said her CNA job -- and now her mentorship role -- "make me feel like people recognize me for how much I care and all the things I can do in my position."

"I'm excited to lean new things today and take them back to my community so others there can learn, too," Vera said. "The trust that Ann and Karie (Kesterson-Gibson, WesleyLife's Director of Clinical Excellence, pictured above in green) have in me means so much. I always remember to be humble and remember that we are here for the residents, but the belief they have in me as a mentor, I will never forget. I will always try to do the best job and help others to the same."

CNA Mentor Zehrija Felic, left, who works at Brio, echoed that sentiment. "Being chosen to be a mentor and to be here shows me and others how important WesleyLife considers this work to be, and that they notice what I and others are trying to achieve in our jobs," she said.

"I take my job seriously and pour my heart into my work. Being in healthcare means everything to me and to be recognized for that makes me want to do even better, and to give all I can to our new CNAs." 

Interested in becoming a CNA or learning more about WesleyLife's new program? Contact Ann at