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American Heart Association recognizes Hearthstone for stroke protocols accent

August 9, 2024 | By

nancy-hamilton-wesley-lifeHearthstone, WesleyLife's Community for Healthy Living in Pella, Iowa, has received recognition for its participation in the American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline Stroke post-acute care initiative to enhance guideline-based care for stroke patients, ultimately improving and prolonging lives.

Stroke is a leading cause of serious long-term disability in the United States, with approximately 795,000 people each year experience a new or recurrent stroke, according to the American Heart Association’s 2023 statistical update. Participation in the American Heart Association’s post-acute care initiative can help facilities support faster and more effective recovery from stroke through standardized coordination and adherence to and implementation of evidence-based care.

Evidence-based rehabilitation and secondary prevention interventions improve recovery after stroke and reduce secondary complications. However, stroke rehabilitation expertise, processes of care, and educational resources vary among sites where post-acute care is delivered. The American Heart Association, the world’s leading nonprofit organization focused on heart and brain health for all, developed quality standards based on the Association’s 2016 Guidelines for Adult Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery to address these gaps.

Benefits through standardized care

The post-acute care initiative provides a framework for assisting facilities to improve care according to the American Heart Association’s rigorous science-based requirements for stroke rehabilitation, including program management, patient and caregiver education and support, care coordination, clinical management and quality improvement.

Hearthstone heart award “Participation in this program benefits our residents and our community through the standardization of care practices," Nancy Hamilton, executive director of Hearthstone, pictured above, said.

“When there are evidence-based processes during every phase of care, residents have the best opportunity for positive outcomes. And family members can be reassured that our community follows all best practices for care."

Communities participating in the post-acute care initiative receive a participation stipend and site-specific quality improvement support and process improvement ideas surrounding quality standards for stroke recovery, rehabilitation and secondary prevention. They also have the opportunity to be part of a learning collaborative, working with experts in stroke rehabilitation to build tools and share and create best practices.

Participation improves collaboration between post-acute care facilities and others involved in stroke care, including hospitals and outpatient providers.

Program origin and goals

Mission: Lifeline Stroke is the American Heart Association’s community-based initiative to develop systems of care to improve outcomes for stroke patients. The program launched in Iowa in July 2022 with the support of a $7.5 million grant from the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. The goal of Mission: Lifeline Stroke is to bring together hospitals, emergency medical services and first responders, rehabilitation facilities, communications and regulatory agencies, state and local government, and payers to forge a proactive system of stroke care that saves and improves lives.


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