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10 Health and Wellness Tips for the New Year accent

February 28, 2024 | By

The new year provides a great opportunity to step back and think about your goals. What steps can you take to live your best life in 2024 and beyond? Consider implementing these health and wellness tips in the coming year to enjoy a healthier, happier lifestyle.

1. Prioritize Regular Exercise

Improved fitness was the top New Year’s resolution in 2024, which doesn’t come as a surprise. Many people recognize that exercise provides physical and mental health benefits, so they want to make it a more consistent part of their routines. 

How much exercise should you fit into your schedule? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) older adults need at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity every week. Look for ways to fit more movement into your everyday routine. For you, this might look like a regular walk or jog, spending time in the garden, or window shopping with a friend.

You should also consider exercise to strengthen muscles and improve balance. Find low-impact exercises that work for you, pushing you gently without putting too much strain on your body, and enjoy the feeling of being more active.


2. Nourish Your Body with Balanced Nutrition 

Another way you can improve your health is by being more intentional about what you eat. A well-balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can improve your health and well-being, helping you feel more energized to take on your days.

Although general dietary guidelines can assist most people on their path to better nutrition, you should consider your specific needs. Focus on food that supports your nutrition goals and helps you combat any health challenges you’re currently dealing with or may be prone to based on your risk factors. For example, focusing on a  heart-healthy diet can help reduce the risk of  cardiovascular disease.


3. Schedule Regular Health Check-Ups

Check-ups, or wellness visits, are important at any age. If your doctor visits have been inconsistent,  make regular check-ups a priority this year. Even if you’re healthy, plan to  should see your doctor at least once a year. Insurance should cover the cost of a yearly visit because it’s a vital part of preventive care. 

If you dread going to the doctor, consider looking  for a new care team. You should trust and feel comfortable with your healthcare provider so that going to the doctor is a pleasant experience. 

Wellness visits provide an opportunity to connect with your healthcare provider and discuss any concerns. Depending on your medical history and other factors, such as your age, you may also need to regularly screen for conditions such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis.


4. Take Advantage of Telehealth Technology

Visiting the doctor in person is a great option most of the time, but in some instances, a virtual visit is a great alternative. Telehealth technology can make healthcare more convenient and accessible from the comfort of home. 

If you’ve been nervous about trying this technology, you’re not alone; research shows older adults are less likely to use telehealth. However, you may be surprised by how helpful this technology is if you give it a try. 

Don’t be afraid to ask your healthcare provider or insurance company for assistance setting up telehealth and taking advantage of it through your computer, smartphone, or tablet.


5. Ensure Adequate Sleep

Quality sleep is key for maintaining physical and mental health and feeling energetic throughout the day. If you aren’t sleeping enough or if your sleep quality is poor, consider trying to make changes. 

Try adjusting your nighttime routine to achieve  better sleep hygiene. For example, avoid caffeine or alcohol late in the day, and don’t eat too much before bed. Too much light exposure can trick your brain into thinking it’s daytime. Reading or scrolling on a computer, phone, or tablet before bed can stimulate your brain and affect your ability to fall asleep.


6. Make Your Home a Safer Place

An injury can seriously impact your overall well-being, so taking steps to prevent dangerous incidents is always a smart move. Creating a safe living environment that helps prevent accidents from happening can enhance your peace of mind. 

How can you make your home safer? Consider home modifications, such as handrails or bars, to prevent falls. You can also plug in night lights to guide you as you move through your house after dark.

Ensuring access to a phone or an emergency call system is also critical so you can access the help you need in the event of a fall or other accident. You can choose from a whole host of technology tools to enhance the convenience and safety of your home.  


7. Practice Good Hygiene and Self-Care

Neglecting self-care routines can be easy when you’re busy with other things, but taking time to look and feel your best can make each day brighter. Maybe 2024 is the year to implement a new skincare routine or be more consistent with your existing self-care practices. 

Personal hygiene is an “activity of daily living.” When these activities become difficult to handle on your own, it may be time to consider at-home services. An aide can visit your home as often as needed to help you perform routine tasks such as dressing or styling your hair. They can also help with other household tasks as needed — all while offering mutually fulfilling companionship.


8. Carefully Manage Medications

Medication errors are common, and in some instances, they can lead to dire consequences. If you sometimes forget to take prescribed medications or even supplements that help you maintain your health, you may need assistance to keep your medications organized. 

Ask your primary care physician for an updated list of medications you take. Then, with help from their office if needed, create a schedule that considers variables such as dosage times and food intake, and stick to that schedule daily. (This is an area where a home health aide can help.)

Contact your physician’s office immediately if you’re concerned about your body’s response to a medication.


9. Learn Something New

You’re never too old to expand your knowledge and skills! This year, make it a priority to engage in more mentally engaging endeavors, such as reading, playing daily online games such as Worldle or Connections, or doing puzzles. If you want to learn something new, consider taking a class, reading a book, or watching videos online to develop a new skill or take your existing skills to the next level.


10. Focus on Mental Well-Being

Health goes beyond physical activity, nutritious food, and doctor’s visits — it also involves prioritizing your mental health. You can do this through meditation, mindfulness, or engaging pursuits. Think about activities that leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Social interactions can also do wonders to combat loneliness and boost well-being, so make a point this year to spend time with friends and family. If you’re feeling isolated, now is a great time to consider senior living services, such as at-home services if you want a friendly face to check in on you regularly, or a senior living community if you want to be immersed in campus life.


Make It a Great Year

Health tips for seniors aren’t much different than those for people at other stages of life. No matter your age, each year provides a fresh start and a new opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest. Make it a great year by following these health and wellness tips and investing in a happier, healthier you! 

Want more ideas on how to make the most of this chapter of your life? Check out our guide, Living Your Best Life After 55!

Explore a smart way to stay healthy at home with WellAhead

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